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Letter to Reality

Dear Reality,

You are really bitter. You are really unwanted. You are shocking, you are disgusting, you are disturbing, you are haunting, you are everything that I dont want you to be. But why you are always there behind the scene? Why you are playing the role of antagonist in my life. I know the reason, Because you are reality. I know you are reality but why I still hate you? I hate you that is the reality.

Dear Reality, when I was dreaming to kiss the Mt Everest and drink the milk of paradise, you stopped me. You have always aborted the fetus of my dream. When I was saying I deserve, you were insisting that I dont.

Reality, you are the jerk between the colorful transition between me and my angel. You are the reason why I love her and you are the reason why she doesnt. How dare you to be the reason of different feelings at a same time? Dont you ever feel guilty to change your mask frequently?

Reality, Why you are always attached with me? you are the only thing conjoined with me that I dont like. If you were just any of my body part, I am sure reality, I would not have let you enjoy this much long.

Reality, You are there. I know you will be there forever. You will be haunting so many scattered dreams. But I will not stop fighting with you. and I will try not to let u be this much bitter, till I drop. 


  1. So many times i have felt like this but i've never been able to express it as well as you did here.

  2. Ya u right, Reality is everything that 'is', but its not always dark and bitter,  But ur expression is great anyway,
    keep it up

  3. Every time I go through ur words, I feel like I was in illusion of knowing U. Just knowing U by ur name is not enough as ur words seems U to be a doctor of grief....a fren in need and many more...Oh....there are a lot of metaphor which can be used just for U...
    Ya I found U expressive in every  lines where U have opened ur heart.
    How dare U to write in such a way that I feel like I am within the words and feeling the same....
    Keep it up....


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