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About Me

I am Kamal Kumar. I love it when people call me KK or Kay Kay. I am a 'journalist' in Kathmandu. Not an active journalist but have always worked with Media Organizations. Currently working in BBC Media Action as a Producer. All views expressed in this blog are my personal and they don't represent any of the organizations I have worked, my family, my religion, my nationality, my race, even my friends.

I am an 'on and off' blogger. Once upon a time I used be actively blogging. But see this facebook and twitter have stolen all the spaces in my blog.

I am (was) fond of writing letters to anonymous people. Most of my old posts are letters. Unfortunately, that habit is also going to be a 'once upon a time'. It's been long I have not written letters. I occasionally write poetry and fiction. Once in a blue moon, I also write newspaper stories on anything that interests me.

I love to travel. But I am afraid of flying. Contrarily I am fond of aviation. Nothing amazes me like watching aeroplanes in the sky. Also a keen flight simulator player, star gazer and ISS spotter.

You can find me in numbers of social media platforms. I easily accept anybody, because I think nothing is private, if something is private you don't post it in social media and restrict few people from viewing it.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Stumbleupon, Flickr,

I am an open, less talkative person.

These are all random stuffs about me I remember at the moment. Thanks for landing in this page.


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