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Letter to Lady diana

Dear Lady Diana,
the coldness in Nagarkot was injecting the liquidity over our bones and vains, the moon was looking at us as you were restricted to join the party, i remember many of my family and frens were present at the party, my mom, her sisters, my cousins and frens of KTV, i fear my girlfriend was not there, Coz she was dancing at another discotheque in the downtown, the distance of 20 miles between me and her was not only meant to mean the absence of warmness. I was getting her texts frequently but, not sending the reply. by the time Lady Diana, you came there with a beautiful white wearings. Surprisingly Harry and William were not with her, but two little girls, i thought they were your daughters that the world never knew about, Diana, you seemed confused to be on that strange place for the first time. My father had told me that when you came to Nepal 20 years ago, you hadn't visited Nagarkot, so i thought this time you are in Nepal to vosit this beautiful places, Nagarkot sounded wonderful at your presence. your two daughters were helping you photograph. I coudln't believe when you called me by my name. i was just shocked, and for the next time I got stunned when you talked to me in my language. You asked "do u feel alrite"? when i tried to say "I feel wonderful tonight", it was almost 9 in the morning, i found myself with half asleep in the bed of my room, the clock was alraming "tingtingtingting".... i woke up and rushed to the destination...... BTW the dream was wonderful......


  1. hi..i just want to say thank u for commenting on my blog.  its nice to know that people are seeing it.  :)  i like urs, too.

  2. Thank you very much for visit my blog. Nepal is one of many country I wan to go. Anyway what about you? What is your name? Nice to meet you.
    My name is Tangmo.


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