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Peeping Through The Windows

the world outside the window of my room is beautiful, the panorama is wide, weather is not clear but the vision. I have been transferred to a new room with a new window infront of my desk. Time matters when we talk about intimacy, I had started loving that room, that window and the vision outsides from there, but now it seems as everything is strange for me, as it is the first day in my office. I was in previous room since the time I joined this office, it was nearly 8 or more months ago, the room is in fourth floor and has window facing the south. I used see the blue sky that has plunged into the walls of mountains, that I guess Fulchoki and Chandragiri mountain. I rarely used to open the window slider in my early days. But the intensification of the heat in the mid summer evoked me to open the windows all the time when I am in that room. Sometimes, I spend scores of times staring outside that window and enjoying the moments. Sometimes life was beautiful from that window and sometimes it was too horrible, The window was a best company for me, in the silent morning, at dusty and nonsense night. While peeping through that window I usually saw the conflict between nature and the concrete jungle .


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