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Letter To Bill Gates

Dear Bill Gates,

I dont expect my letter to be a blow to microsoft and your personal dreams upon it. I believe you respect the freedom of expression as I do. I dont think that you know me by my name. But you could know me if you had shared any of your coffee-break with one of your technical staff of customer service officer in Microsoft. I belive your technical staff has told you about a guy from Nepal, who frequently sends the error reports, feedbacks and bunches of bugs to your digital box. I am not writing you to suggest a new idea of challenging your rival Apple nor I am writing to draft a missionary project in Kenya. Thats your job, you can simultaneously fight with malaria and your digital rivals. I am not much interested to that things. Today I am writing just to let you know that, I have decided to discard all services by microsoft and enter a new user space of another digital giant. The first execution of my declaration begins with Msn Space. (I regret I should have started with hotmail). I was using the msn space since its launch. I was always sympathic to your slow service and cheap ideas of people scattered there. I also spent some of my beautiful moments with the msn space. Days ago I came with a new idea to start another blogging, kind of intellectual in words and ideas. Before choosing a blog site to publish my ideas, I had thought deep as if I had decide to by a personal jet or to get married with a blonde. After cylcles of frequency inside my mind, I decided not to continue with msn space. And I entered this world. The only reason behind my decision was the dissatisfaction over the services by microsoft. And I really hated the idea that you are introducing windows Live space by the end of this summer. What I fear is that, the new idea could spoil the intellectuality and gentleness of the current trend in msn space. Dear Bill Gates, as a antagonic-well-wisher of your company, I never suggest you to launch the 'live' idea in the msn space. As I read some promotional words of windows live space, I really didn't like the way. It was sounding more romantic, as if windows live space will be a dating and matchmaking site. So let it be a pure and mere blog.

Dear gates, Let me tell something about your hotmail and messenger service. You know why I am writing letter to you, because I am not signed into windows live messenger. I am tired of sending the error messeges and troubleshooting with frustrating error codes. So I am free and using my time. At first I want to suggest you to shorten the length of error code. well that may not sound productive for it. .... ok Gates, will catch you later, I gotta go to a meeting with Michael Sam. I hope we will discuss your issues. ohhh, I forgot to congratulate you for being Person of the Year by the Time magazine. But my sceptive eyes fear that, Time magazine is hoping your grace. never mind. all the best for the strength of Gates and Melinda Foundation. As a part of this planet earth and as my land where I stand and the land where you stay share the same sky, the charity foundation matters to me. Nothing else. By the moment I declare the termination of my relation with any of microsoft products. I will not buy "zune" music system next year, and for your kind information I have already uninstalled windows operating system from my computer. I have removed the game "Halo" before completeing all the levels. I will certainly not buy the Halo 3, that is to be released in 2007. I have also sold my x-box to a secondhand shop. Now I am using a opensource OS, Nowdays I play games like paceman and hangman. Windows media player was never beloved to me, nowdays I am tuned to local radio station in a radio which is "made in china" not in USA.

Kathmandu, Nepal


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