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Letter to The Moon

Dear moon,

This year I have been musing about winter more than necessary. You may delineate me as a PR officer of the winter, who is assigned to stir up propaganda about the winter. Now let me talk about the beauty of the beautiful and wise of the wisdom. Its you dear moon.

You know, it has been nearly 4 years that I haven't watched you carefully. I remember, I used to talk to you for several hours when I was in my beautiful and peaceful hometown. But as I lost in the jungle of concrete, I was really rude to you. I understand how does it feel to lose a best company for four years. I am really sorry for my indifference.

Dear moon, Today is not the full-moon day. That's why you are not showing all of your face. One fourth of your body is covered with darkness or may be with shyness. I watched you very carefully just few minutes ago. I saw you really unstable and blushed to see me after long silence. While I was watching you continuously, your face was like of a Nepali women, who meets her husband after 6 years, who is back from earning money in the Gulf. When you and me were confronting after this much long period, there were everything shining on your face, there were beauty, there were surprise, there were shyness, and obviously there were a fear of loosing me again.

I really miss a moment of childhood. One day, I was on my Mom's lap and crying. My mom was showing me the most beautiful thing in this world to make me happy, and it was you dear moon. I think I was fallen to your beauty when I was just 4 years ago. When my mom showed me you face, I created more trouble in spite of being happy. I asked my mom the way to reach your town. Later in my youngerhood I started realizing the distance and impossibilities of touching you. The more I realized the distance, the more I started loving you. You taught me to dream, you taught me to smile.

Dear moon, I love your beauty as well as the blotch on your face. I love your calmness as well as the violent tide in the full moon day created by you. I love your consistency, as well as the frequency of your movement. I love your strong power to remain calm, beautiful, shinning and source of inspiration in this cold night of midwinter.

Dear moon, you are great because you love to be challenged. You love to be frictioned with the coldness outside. you love darkness so that you can show the world how beautiful you are. This nature of accepting the darkness is the only reason behind your beauty and greatness. Dear moon, sometimes try to show your appearance in the daylight, you doesn't matter to anybody. even not to myself.

The Earth


  1. the moon, as for you,  is always the source of inspirations to me too.


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