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Letter to the Past

Dearest Past,

You began with the 23 pairs of chromosome and drove me to the age of 23. You gave me lots of cheers and despairs. The science of life and the art of living always reacted with the missing plugins.You gave me hope. That's why I am still alive. Thanks for the MEMORIES.

You crawled in the tunnels of innocence. You ran with the speed of dreams. You crossed beyond the border of thinking. You jumped the height of happiness. You dived the pool of tears. You detached with attachment and you attached with detachment. Thanks for MORAL OF THE LESSON.

You confronted with the loneliness. You lost among the shapeless crowds. You fell from the bottom. You stood at the height. Thanks for the EXISTENCE.

You compiled the s c a t t e r e d fragrance. You sang the sensation. You danced the freedom. You rocked with the rhythm of life. You hymned with the harmony. Thanks for the MELODY.

You gave mom's lap at 1. You gave dad's shoulder at 3. You gave friends at 4. You gave school at 5. You gave homework at 7. You gave punishment at 8. You gave understanding at 9. You gave ecstasy at 10. You gave youthhood at 13. You gave college at 17. You gave beauty at 18. You gave dreams at 19. You gave fame at 21. You gave frustration at 22. Finally you seized everything and gave me a bunch of memory.

Dear Past, thanks for beholding me all the time. Thanks for decoding every seconds within your memory. Thanks for Transformation. Thanks for Challenge. Thanks for Experience.

Yours, Present


  1. Dear Kamal,
    It was great to read it again after all these years and still it sounds so fresh and new. I always liked your letters and i wasn't wrong, i still like it. Post some more old letters especially the one to Bill Gates and Miss Take. Keep it up bhai, impressed always.

  2. Thank you dai, you comments have always inspired me :-)

  3. Kamal Dai,
    Very Impressive letter......

  4. Thank u Binita :-) It was written years ago, purano blog haru ma bhetera feri rakheko..


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